Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Back in UB

Hi guys,

After a week of shaking around in the most sturdy minibus on the planet (Russian cold war quality: It was excellent!!!!), we found the slowest internet connection on the planet. Therefore we just want to let you know that we're still alive and kissing, and that we'll do the whole story in Beijing. Expect tons of pictures and travel advise, because oh boy, was it magnificent!!!!

kisses and hugs from Eline and greetz from Frederik,
F and E

PS: come on! give us the first day at work stories. (how's the Corsa?)


Anonymous said...

What's work compared to your fantastic experiences ;-) Naah, let us just enjoy your pictures and stories, we'll get back to reality here...

Lennert said...
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Lennert said...

the DB9-S drives really smooth! but the really big fat soft tyres make awfull marks on our parking! daddy not happy!

Ann-Sofie said...

grjhfsk. KAHDkjhdA JH Zkjks'; jsdf $^irk. Abba dabba. Oeba doeba! splurt.

Anonymous said...

The Corsa's great ;) Wipers go on when it starts raining, cruise control, MP3 cd player and you can plug in your iPod, rear view mirror goes into night mode automatically when it becomes dark... and it's really nice to drive as well. I'll take you for a spinn in december.

First week was great but very busy. Didn't get more than 6h sleep per night and tonight is the first time I can find the time to read your blog.

By the way, if you haven't hear: the 8Gb iPhone has encurred a price drop to 399. They stopped selling the 4Gb model.

Meanwhile take care!