Thursday, September 13, 2007


The Chinese are a truly fascinating, yet disgusting people. Where they surprise you when you find hundreds of them in parks at night, dancing, singing and doing Taichi, while kids are playing and riding their inline skates and other fast toys, they fill you with loathing as they flamboyantly spit everywhere and leave their babies just pee on the stairs of some temple (where people were sitting to watch a show), spreading the urine a bit with their foot to make it evaporate faster. They are also incredibly noisy, and the total absense of English, combined with a strong urge to get every penny out of a tourist they can, makes our stay quite frustrating at some points.
Especially the lack of English makes getting around quite hard. The Chinese also won't make any effort to communicate. They just rattle in Chinese and repeat it after giggling when they see you didn't get it.
But we focus on the nice things. People in the streets and hutongs are friendly and curious, (although this curiousness get annoying when it evolves to plain staring (into Eline's cleavage)) and we sometimes notice that they try to make the best of our eating-, drinking- and shopping experience.

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