Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lake Baikal

Hi everyone,

This morning at 9.15 local time (4.15 Moscoutime (auwtch)), we arrived in Irkutsk. We were immediately transfered to Listvianka, a small village on the shores of the famous and beautiful Lake Baikal. At least it's supposed to be beautiful, maybe on another side of it... We're staying in some sort of hostel, and when arriving, the driver explained us everything that we could do here. This wasn't really a sign of his enthusiasm, however. There is just nothing to do here. But we'll do everything. I don't know if we already can post some pictures, as we believe the bits and bytes of this internet connection are transfered by smoke signals by a small poor girl on the roof of this hotel.
We are now sitting however, in an awesome bar on the highest floor of a nice hotel, with an excellent view.
The train trip was very nice. The landscapes outside unfortunately were not as nice and diverse as we thought they would be, but we had a great time. We met a nice English couple (Phil and Amy) we shared the coupe with, and it do was an experience.


Anonymous said...

en heb je je raampje mogen kuisen?:p

Anonymous said...

Even tussendoor: Nikon heeft de nieuwe D3 en D300 aangekondigd. Links vind je hier

Anonymous said...

Ja Michael we hebben ons raampje gekuist, het werd alleen nog vuiler wegens gebrek aan proper water!
En ja Perre we hadden er iets van vernomen. De spitstechnologie genoemd gsm heeft ons het licht laten zien! wel bedankt voor de link.